"Men samtale er ikke eksekvering, og det kan godt være udfordrende for nogle at lægge den umiddelbare trang til eksekvering til side. Man er nok nødt til selv at erfare, at den tilgang ikke automatisk fører til værditab. Jeg vil endda sige tværtimod."
("But conversation is not execution, and it may well be challenging for some to put aside the immediate urge to execute. You probably have to learn for yourself that this approach does not automatically lead to a loss of value. I would even say the opposite.")
2020, 25 years anniversary book for Byens Netværk
"Det kan blive en meget stor udfordring at få kvalitet i byggeriet, hvis man ikke gør en særlig indsats for at kunne samtale. Og samtale kræver at man får oparbejdet et fælles sprog. Det har vi som udgangspunkt ikke i vores respektive fag. Det er ikke særligt for byggebranchen, men det er særlig vigtigt for det, vi bygger."
("It can be a very big challenge to get quality in the built enviroment if you do not make a special effort to be able to have a conversation. And conversation requires that you get a common language developed. We do not have that in our respective territory of the industry. It is not particularly for the construction industry, but it is particularly important for what we build."
2020, 25 years anniversary book for Byens Netværk
“Artists are thus a lot more involved in designing urban space, and not only in discussing where to place a sculpture. The role of art and the artist in urban development is completely different from what it was seen as in the past.”
2020, KLAXON Magazine, volume 11. Interview here
“You can’t talk about architecture without talking about the design of the context, therefore landscape design is an integrated part of all architectureprojects.”
2019, Riga landscape prize
"No one can solve today's difficult climate crisis and other societal challenges on their own. Architecture (the built environment) is a key issue that the entire organization needs to work on"
2019, september, Fastighets nytt, Sweden - interview here
"So my call to all fellow architects and citymakers in general is to be more debating, politically committed and socially aware"
2019, may in interview in danish magazine - interview here
"Arkitektens rolle er at samtale med alle de forskellige aktører og samle den viden ind, og med den skabe en mærkbar arkitektur og kunstnerisk dimension."
(The architect's role is to talk to all the different actors and gather that knowledge, and with it create a noticeable architecture and artistic dimension.)
2019. april in a portrait in Byggeri+Arkitektur - interview here
"De største og vigtigste beslutninger for et projekt bliver ofte taget helt i begyndelsen, og hvis de tages på et for lille vidensgrundlag, så er der en større chance for fejl, for ikke at blive klogere undervejs, og for at beslutningerne er taget ud fra de forkerte forudsætninger."
(The biggest and most important decisions for a project are often taken at the very beginning, and if they are taken on too little knowledge, then there is a greater chance of error, not to be wiser on the way, and for the decisions to be taken from the incorrect assumptions)
2019. april in a portrait in Byggeri+Arkitektur - interview here
"Jeg tror, at vores byer – store som små – skal kunne rumme det ukendte og det hemmelige og have stor åbenhed for omverdenen og samtidig være gode til at skabe små fællesskaber, tryghed og menneskelig skala."
(I think our cities - big and small - must be able to accommodate the unknown and the secret and have great openness to the outside world and at the same time be good at creating small communities, security and human scale.)
2019, Marts in a portrait at Herning Gymnasium - interview here
"I think every city can learn to be more precise on the strategic issues and the site specific issues and the way they navigate in the three scales: the large, medium and the small scale. On the strategic level, the development goals might be different from city to city. But they have to be precise enough to be measurable. And in Copenhagen, especially when we talk about liveability, these goals are based on the behaviour and understanding of people."
2019, January - Interview with Birgit Kahn
“The most important part in the Nordics is that we have a big understanding for human beings. It is not just about the buildings themselves; we place an emphasis on liveability, lifequality and community in developing a city”
"The way we plan our cities is also done in a democratic way where dialogue is vital; it is in our DNA. So we are good in seing the processes as a part of the planning system as well."
2019, January - article in The Local
"in 2050 i think nature will be to the city what steel pipes were to the 1800s. The greenery will come to transform Copenhagen’s infrastructure. all roads will get a greener infrastructure that aids with water drainage and other ecoservices. Copenhageners will have the chance to be more involved and take responsibility for bringing nature into the city and creating a more diversified and green area."
2015 in the magazine FORM
("But conversation is not execution, and it may well be challenging for some to put aside the immediate urge to execute. You probably have to learn for yourself that this approach does not automatically lead to a loss of value. I would even say the opposite.")
2020, 25 years anniversary book for Byens Netværk
"Det kan blive en meget stor udfordring at få kvalitet i byggeriet, hvis man ikke gør en særlig indsats for at kunne samtale. Og samtale kræver at man får oparbejdet et fælles sprog. Det har vi som udgangspunkt ikke i vores respektive fag. Det er ikke særligt for byggebranchen, men det er særlig vigtigt for det, vi bygger."
("It can be a very big challenge to get quality in the built enviroment if you do not make a special effort to be able to have a conversation. And conversation requires that you get a common language developed. We do not have that in our respective territory of the industry. It is not particularly for the construction industry, but it is particularly important for what we build."
2020, 25 years anniversary book for Byens Netværk
“Artists are thus a lot more involved in designing urban space, and not only in discussing where to place a sculpture. The role of art and the artist in urban development is completely different from what it was seen as in the past.”
2020, KLAXON Magazine, volume 11. Interview here
“You can’t talk about architecture without talking about the design of the context, therefore landscape design is an integrated part of all architectureprojects.”
2019, Riga landscape prize
"No one can solve today's difficult climate crisis and other societal challenges on their own. Architecture (the built environment) is a key issue that the entire organization needs to work on"
2019, september, Fastighets nytt, Sweden - interview here
"So my call to all fellow architects and citymakers in general is to be more debating, politically committed and socially aware"
2019, may in interview in danish magazine - interview here
"Arkitektens rolle er at samtale med alle de forskellige aktører og samle den viden ind, og med den skabe en mærkbar arkitektur og kunstnerisk dimension."
(The architect's role is to talk to all the different actors and gather that knowledge, and with it create a noticeable architecture and artistic dimension.)
2019. april in a portrait in Byggeri+Arkitektur - interview here
"De største og vigtigste beslutninger for et projekt bliver ofte taget helt i begyndelsen, og hvis de tages på et for lille vidensgrundlag, så er der en større chance for fejl, for ikke at blive klogere undervejs, og for at beslutningerne er taget ud fra de forkerte forudsætninger."
(The biggest and most important decisions for a project are often taken at the very beginning, and if they are taken on too little knowledge, then there is a greater chance of error, not to be wiser on the way, and for the decisions to be taken from the incorrect assumptions)
2019. april in a portrait in Byggeri+Arkitektur - interview here
"Jeg tror, at vores byer – store som små – skal kunne rumme det ukendte og det hemmelige og have stor åbenhed for omverdenen og samtidig være gode til at skabe små fællesskaber, tryghed og menneskelig skala."
(I think our cities - big and small - must be able to accommodate the unknown and the secret and have great openness to the outside world and at the same time be good at creating small communities, security and human scale.)
2019, Marts in a portrait at Herning Gymnasium - interview here
"I think every city can learn to be more precise on the strategic issues and the site specific issues and the way they navigate in the three scales: the large, medium and the small scale. On the strategic level, the development goals might be different from city to city. But they have to be precise enough to be measurable. And in Copenhagen, especially when we talk about liveability, these goals are based on the behaviour and understanding of people."
2019, January - Interview with Birgit Kahn
“The most important part in the Nordics is that we have a big understanding for human beings. It is not just about the buildings themselves; we place an emphasis on liveability, lifequality and community in developing a city”
"The way we plan our cities is also done in a democratic way where dialogue is vital; it is in our DNA. So we are good in seing the processes as a part of the planning system as well."
2019, January - article in The Local
"in 2050 i think nature will be to the city what steel pipes were to the 1800s. The greenery will come to transform Copenhagen’s infrastructure. all roads will get a greener infrastructure that aids with water drainage and other ecoservices. Copenhageners will have the chance to be more involved and take responsibility for bringing nature into the city and creating a more diversified and green area."
2015 in the magazine FORM